Moja Finest #1 rug

Sale price€1.670,00

Moja's Finest Collection rugs are crafted to stand the test of time. These rugs are more than just a statement piece – they're an infusion of style, warmth, and quality that elevates your space. Each rug is meticulously made to grow in value over time, adding character to your surroundings. Easy to clean and exceptionally durable, these rugs are designed for years of enjoyment.

Handwoven in the traditional fashion using the finest quality wool, Moja's rugs guarantee lasting durability. If your size is in stock, fast delivery is assured. Alternatively, you have the option to order a custom size, with or without tassels.

Moja Finest #1 presents a modern squared line design, showcasing a rich aesthetic that seamlessly fits into various interiors. The lambswool used is thick, soft, and provides a warm underfoot experience. With its timeless design and quality craftsmanship, Moja's Finest Collection is an investment in both style and longevity.
Size: 260x306

Delivery time varies between 8 - 12 weeks