Moja Finest #2 rug

Sale price€787,00

Presenting our newest addition to the handmade rug collection - the White Design Berber Rug. Measuring 150 x 250 cm, this rug is a perfect choice for adding a touch of elegance and style to your home.

Each rug is meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans utilizing traditional Berber techniques that have been passed down through generations. Crafted from 100% wool, this rug boasts exceptional durability, ensuring it remains a timeless piece for years to come.

The White Design features a beautiful and timeless pattern, showcasing a white background adorned with intricate geometric designs in contrasting shades of black and gray. The simplicity of the white background allows the design to stand out, making a statement in any room.

The thick and soft wool fibers provide a luxurious and cozy feel underfoot, making this rug perfect for both walking and lounging. Additionally, the hypoallergenic nature of natural wool makes it an ideal choice for individuals with allergies or sensitive skin.

Versatile in design, this rug seamlessly complements a variety of interior styles – from modern and minimalistic to bohemian and eclectic. It's the perfect addition to your living room, bedroom, or any other space in need of warmth and texture.

Invest in the White Design Berber Rug to elevate your home decor. With its elegant and timeless design, this rug is destined to become a cherished part of your home for years to come.
Size: 150x250

Delivery time varies between 8 - 12 weeks